Wednesday, 12 February 2014

New Beacon of Light Recap- Why Lord Why?

“I Can’t Take This Anymore!” I exclaimed in frustration.

It is easy to say I believe in God and God is such an awesome God when everything in our lives is going well. When the dreams and aspirations we desire are fulfilled and the promises we make to ourselves and even the promises God makes to us in our hearts and dreams come to past. Yet when we are made to wait, or before us stands a mountain of stress, worry, disappointments, bills, heartbreak it is not so easy to always keep our faith. It is here we usually wonder if God has deserted us and ask God, “Why Lord Why me?”

Looking back I cannot begin to count the many times I have stood at the door way of complete desertion of my faith and wanted to give up on life, myself and everything else. The only strand of hope I had was that God still loved me somewhere in my heart I believed and had never deserted me before. Yet in the midst of incredulous surmounting debt, disappointments and so much unexpected loss of love ones it is hard to believe that anything will get better. Yet even with all of the uncertainty life gives, God’s love has never changed. Even with all of the hurt we incur on our individual journeys, God’s mercy still remains constant. Looking through the mirror that is our physical existence and life, often or not makes us forget that there exists also a spiritual realm. Where even the simplest of our needs are already met and only require us to exercise our faith to manifest in this physical world. Yet how often we look at what’s going on around us and forget in the midst of our hurt and pain, that God knows our hurts even before we experience them and makes provision prior to us even going through the experience.

A loss of our homes, our parents, children, jobs, being betrayed by friends, love ones and so much crime in our daily lives, makes it so hard to see and live beyond our senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.  When the information that our physical senses gathers daily for us goes to our brains and hearts it is easy to ask God, “Why Lord Why”. Why am I facing all of these troubles? Why did the people I love die or hurt me as they did? Why did I lose my house, job and security? Why am I even alive? Is the only thing my life is for is to suffer? Yet even when Paul an apostle of God asked to be healed with all the work he was doing for the work of spreading God’s kingdom, from his near sightedness, he was refused and God’s simple answer to him was, “My Grace is sufficient!”

 A Moment of Clarity

James 2:14-26 speaks about faith in action and how faith without works of love and charity mean nothing. It is summoned in saying” Faith without works is dead!”   In the same line of thinking living without faith is also an empty existence. We are created in God’s image. We are not simply physical beings but spiritual beings having a physical experience. Yet it is so difficult sometimes not to focus on what is happening in our physical lives.
However the action of having faith is not just an action but a way of life. God loves us to the degree that He knows our inner most hearts, the faults we possess and the actions we will take prior to us making them. God makes provision for us prior to all of this, not so we can question God’s love and existence, but so as we can learn to understand that even our most trying life experiences are to help us to grow and develop as spiritual beings. As we grow and gain experience we are better prepared to assist in someone else’s development.
However this does not alleviate us from the responsibility of having freewill and being able to make choices and thus having to bear the consequences of those choices. It means even as we grow, utilize our faith and experience gain and loss, we learn by trusting in God’s love and provision to make better choices so when trials come we take them as the lessons of spiritual development they are and not be defeated how they affect us physically. Life is trying but God’s love is eternal and it is our faith that helps us live successful lives, even when our hearts may cry, “Why Lord Why?” I encourage you be grateful for each moment of life you are given and learn to be everyday a Beacon of Light.

 Beam of Light for the Week 
Having faith requires us to believe in God and God’s ability to keep promises even when everything and everyone around us says otherwise. Keep your faith centered on God and everything will be ok.

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